Saturday, February 10, 2007

This Week in Words and Pictures...

Let me see what I can remember - old short term memory is not as good as it was....

Went to see Rocky with himself on Sunday night. Bear in mind that I have seen no Rocky films whatsoever in my 27 years on the planet.. Wasn't bad at all actually..

Went on a course for work this week - Food Standards Auditing - nice to be out of the office...

Thursday night I watched an Inconvenient Truth which taught me that Al Gore is pretty cool and that the environment is kinda screwed... so I'll be watching the thermostats very closely. I already do the turning lights off in rooms I'm not using - hell I even sometimes turn them out in rooms other people are using by mistake...

Nearly at the end of the week; Leanne was round last night so we got a few new tracks from iTunes - have to keep up with what the kids are listening to.. No seriously, I do like music I'm just a bit lazy when it comes to finding out for myself what the latest cool stuff is..

and just today after covering myself in paint at the new house, I got all cleaned up and went to the cinema to see Music and Lyrics. Didn't think himself would be into it but it seems he's a big Drew Barrymore fan ever since he heard that she likes to run naked through wheatfields when she visits Ireland. Added bonus for this film is that Adam Schlesinger from the Fountains of Wayne did all the music and Hugh Grants singing!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Isn't this lovely - we went to look at tiles in Sligo this afternoon and as it turned out, they werent the ones we wanted and we'd driven all that way so I said 'Lets go look at the sea' So we went to Rosses Point....

This one is of some yachts at the yacht club - I think masts are very elegant...

There is a lighthouse in the distance on this one - you can just about see it...

Some random guy doing some fishing here I think - the light is lovely......

My good self taken by himself ...

and an old but pretty boat .


Hi all and welcome to my first post on Blogger - I wonder how I will get on with it - but I have always wanted to write about stuff so I suppose now is my chance!!