Saturday, July 3, 2010

Macaroni cheese

Emmet doesnt like cheese. So I only make this when he's away. I dont know why I dont make it more often, its so simple and I love it. Maybe its the calories......

Friday, July 2, 2010

latest accomplishment

Crocheted a blanket for the baby. It won't win any prizes but I'm rather proud of it.

Somewhere to throw my thoughts thats not my Facebook Status

maybe its because its only me and the little one in the house here during the day, I seem to be trying to communicate with the world via my facebook status, does anyone care that I need to put away the washing, or that I just baked a loaf of bread? Its just me and the laptop while LO is watching TV and not climbing on the furniture, so its becoming my confidante... so perhaps a blog is a better place to put this stuff. and maybe I can post some bits of writing that fell by the wayside, and didnt get finished, ah yes, maybe this is the way to go.